
The innovation process requires several players in different steps of product/technology development and these players can be internal or external to the company. In this way, an open innovation approach is essential to the development of high impact technologies.

MAHLE recognizes this trend and for a long time has been standing as a major partner in the Brazilian innovation system.

Come and develop your idea with us:

ANPEI Meeting - Intellectual Property in ICT Interaction - Company
MAHLE PI experience in interaction with ICT (Portuguese Only) MAHLE PI experience in interaction with ICT (Portuguese Only)
Sindipeças Meeting 2016 - Fostering Innovation
Sindipeças - Institute of Corporate Education (Portuguese Only) Sindipeças - Institute of Corporate Education (Portuguese Only)
Institutional MAHLE Technological Center (Portuguese Only) Institutional MAHLE Technological Center (Portuguese Only)
MAHLE Experience with Promotion (Portuguese Only) MAHLE Experience with Promotion (Portuguese Only)
Research Programs for Technological Innovation at FAPESP (Portuguese Only) Research Programs for Technological Innovation at FAPESP (Portuguese Only)
Sindipeças Meeting 2015 - Collaboration for Innovation
Collaboration for Innovation (Portuguese Only) Collaboration for Innovation (Portuguese Only)