Policy for Related Party Transactions

Policy for Related Party Transactions
1. Purpose
The purpose of this Policy for Related Party Transactions (hereby referred to as Policy) is to set forth the rules and procedures to be observed by the company MAHLE Metal Leve S.A. (hereby referred to as MAHLE Metal Leve or just Company) and by its controlled companies in the context of transactions involving related parties (as per the definition of related parties below). This Policy is aimed, also, at preventing and managing situations of potential conflict of interest in the context of these related party transactions.
2. Principles of this Policy
MAHLE Metal Leve is a company of the MAHLE Group. MAHLE Group is a leading international development partner and supplier to the automotive industry as well as a pioneer for the mobility of the future. Being a part of the MAHLE Group gives the Company a relevant competitive and strategic advantage in its field of business, in light of the technology developed by the Group and its penetration in the main automotive markets in the world, which renders relevant business opportunities for MAHLE Metal Leve. As part of the MAHLE Group, MAHLE Metal Leve routinely enters into, in the ordinary course of its business, transactions with the other companies of the Group, among which are, necessarily, related parties to the Company, including its controlling shareholder, its controlled companies, its affiliates and other companies under common control with MAHLE Metal Leve. In light of this context in which the activities of the Company are inserted, this Policy has the following principles: (a) Preserve the integration of MAHLE Metal Leve to the other companies that are part of the MAHLE Group, an element which is fundamental to perpetuate the success of the Company and of the Group as a whole; and (b) Ensure that any and all related party transactions of MAHLE Metal Leve are oriented in the best interest of the Company and founded in principles of transparency and fairness.
3. Definitions
Related Party As per the applicable regulation and for purposes of this Policy, a “related party” is the person or entity which is related to the Company, as set forth below: (a) A person, or a close member of his/her family, is related to the Company if such person: (i) has control or joint control over the Company; (ii) has significant influence over the Company; or (iii) is a member of the key management personnel of the Company’s or of a parent of the Company. (b) An entity is related to the Company if any of the conditions below is met (see Schedule I for examples): (i) the entity and the Company are part of the same economic group (which means that each parent, subsidiary and fellow subsidiary are related among themselves); (ii) the entity is an associate or joint venture of the Company (or an associate joint venture of an entity part of the Company’s economic group); (iii) the entity and the Company are joint ventures of the same third party; (iv) the entity is a joint venture of a third entity and the third entity is an associate of the Company; (v) the entity is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of either the Company or an entity related to the Company; (vi) the entity is controlled or jointly controlled by a person identified in (a); (vii) A person identified in (a)(i) has significant influence over the entity, or is a member of the key management personnel of the entity (or of a parent of the entity); or (viii) the entity, or any member of an economic group of which said entity is a member of, supplies services of the key management personnel to the Company or to its parent. The definition of Related Party does not include: (a) Entities which only have an officer, director or other member of the key management personnel in common with the Company, or over which a member of the key management personnel of the Company has significant influence; (b) Unions, departments and public agencies that do not control, fully or jointly, or have material influence over the Company, simply as a consequence of its regular business with the Company and with entities that: (i) provide funding; (ii) provide public services. (c) Clients, suppliers, franchisors, concessionaires, distributors or general agents with whom the Company holds a relevant volume of business, merely due to the resulting economic dependence. Close family members of a person Close family members of a person are those family members who can be expected to exert influence or be influenced by such person in their business with the Company, including: (a) The person’s children, spouse or partner; (b) The children of the person’s spouse or partner; or (c) Dependents of the person or of the person’s spouse or partner.   Key management personnel Key management personnel are those persons with authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the Company’s activities, directly or indirectly, including any manager (whether executive or otherwise) of such Company. In the specific context of MAHLE Metal Leve, the members of the Board of Directors as well as people who occupy positions of level EL1, EL2 and EL3 will be considered key management personnel. Significant influence Significant influence is the power to take part in the decisions regarding the financial and operational policies of an entity, but without having absolute or joint control over such policies. Related Party Transaction Related party transaction is the transfer of products, resources (such as money), services or obligations (such as the provision of a guarantee), directly or indirectly, between the Company and a related party, regardless of a price being charged in return. For purposes of clarification the term “related party transaction” when used in this Policy will make reference to a single transaction, with a specific counterpart, involving a product, resource, service or obligation. For the avoidance of doubt, a transaction between the Company and one of its related parties involving a product, resource, service or obligation “A” is a different related party transaction from a transaction between the Company and the same related party involving a product, resource, service or obligation “B”, even if both transactions originate from one single contract that encompasses different types of transactions. Related party transaction involving significant amount Related party transaction involving significant amount is the transaction with a related party which is expected to reach or effectively reaches, over a (1) one-year period, an amount equal or greater than twenty million reais (R$ 20,000,000.00) or 1% of the total assets of MAHLE Metal Leve as determined in the latest financial statement disclosed by the Company. Transaction out of the ordinary course of business Transaction out of the ordinary course business is a related party transaction which is not directly aimed at the performance of the activities comprised in MAHLE Metal Leve’s core business. For the purposes of this Policy the following transactions between the Company and its related parties will be treated as usual transactions and, thus, will not be considered transactions out of the ordinary course of business: (a) Reimbursement or cost sharing; (b) Know-how and technology sharing; (c) Assignment or sharing of spaces; and (d) Provision of back office services.
4. General procedures
The procedures set forth in this section are applicable to any and all related party transactions of MAHLE Metal Leve. In addition to the procedures described in this section, the Board of Directors may approve specific procedures applicable to certain types of related party transactions, in light of their nature, relevance or recurrence. Eventual specific procedures will be set forth in Appendixes to this Policy which, once approved by the Board of Directors, will be considered as part of this Policy for all purposes. Identification The Legal Department will keep a registry with the identification of the related parties of the Company, which shall be consulted by the managers before the conclusion of any transaction, in order to verify whether the transaction being carried out can be considered a related party transaction. Any person bound by this Policy may, as he/she finds necessary or convenient, submit any potential related party transaction to the analysis of the Legal Department of the Company. Notwithstanding the above, potential related party transactions involving significant amount or outside of the ordinary course of business shall, necessarily, be informed to the Legal Department of the Company. Analysis The Legal Department shall analyze any new potential related party transaction that happens to be reported, in order to assess: (a) Whether the transaction effectively is a related party transaction subject to the procedures of this Policy; and, in case the answer is affirmative (b) Categorize the transaction according to: (i) the nature of the transaction; (ii) the amount involved; and (iii) whether it is or not a transaction within the ordinary course of business. Subject to the specific provisions applicable to certain related party transactions, the Legal Department shall forward its analysis to the body responsible for the approval of the transaction at issue. Approval The managers and employees of the Company shall respect the existing ordinary flow for the negotiation, analysis and approval of transactions of the Company, refraining from interfering in such a way as to influence the hiring of related parties in noncompliance with said flow. The related party transactions of MAHLE Metal Leve involving a significant (as defined before) amount shall be submitted by the Legal Department of the Company to the Management which, in the event it agrees with its terms and conditions, will submit such transaction to the formal approval of the Board of Directors. Any related party transaction of MAHLE Metal Leve outside of the ordinary course of business, regardless of its purpose or of the amount involved, shall be submitted by the Legal Department of the Company to the Management which, in the event it agrees with its terms and conditions, will submit such transaction to the formal approval of the Board of Directors; Formalization and disclosure In any case, the related party transactions of the Company shall observe the following provisions: (a) The transactions shall comply with this Policy and with the guidelines of the Code of Ethics and of Business of the Company; and (b) The transactions shall be disclosed clearly and precisely in the financial statements and quarterly statements of the Company, in the Reference Form (Formulário de Referência), in Notices of Material Fact when applicable, and in any other means set forth or that comes to be set forth by the laws and regulations applicable to the Company.   Report Each semester the Legal Department shall inform to the Management and to the Board of Directors, pursuant to Schedule II of this Policy, the related party transactions entered into by and between MAHLE Metal Leve throughout the year up to the date of the report (year to date).
5. Impediment and conflict of interest
In the situations in which the related party transaction require approval in the terms of this Policy, the person involved in the approval process who has a potential personal advantage or a conflict of interest with the decision to be taken shall declare itself prevented, explaining its involvement in the transaction and providing details on the transaction and on the parties involved. The impediment shall be included in the minutes of the corporate body which resolves on the transaction and the person shall refrain from the discussions and resolutions. Notwithstanding the above, the presence of those who have declared themselves prevented in the process of approval of a certain transaction due to a potential personal advantage or conflict of interests will be considered for the purpose of verifying the quorum for convening the meeting of the corporate body that resolves on such transaction. Impediment on meetings and discussions If any manager or employee has potential personal advantage or conflict of interest with a certain transaction, it shall refrain from taking part in any debate or negotiation about such transaction, as well as from taking part in its management and/or administration. Supervening conflict If any manager or employee is not prevented in the moment of the negotiation and approval of a certain transaction and a potential personal advantage or conflict of interest of this person with the transaction in question arises later, due to the occurrence of new events: (a) The acts of such manager or employee until the arising of the potential personal advantage or conflict of interest will remain valid and effective to all intents and purposes; and (b) Such manager or employee shall step aside from the implementation of the transaction in question.
6. Execution and monitoring
Any alleged breaches to the terms of this Policy shall be examined by the Legal Department of the Company, which shall submit its conclusions to the Management. In the event the Management agrees with the conclusions of the Legal Department of the Company, it shall submit the issue to the Board of Directors, along with a justified opinion regarding the measures to be taken by said body. If the Board of Directors concludes that a breach of the terms of the Policy was effectively verified, it will undertake the applicable measures, alerting that that some behaviors may represent a crime, subjecting the persons responsible by them to the criminal penalties provided in the applicable law. Monitoring The Fiscal Council will be responsible for oversighting the effective compliance to this Policy, being able, for this purpose, to request any documents that it deems necessary to fulfil this duty to the Legal Department of the Company, to the Management and to the Board of Directors. Within its oversighting of the Policy capacity, the Fiscal Council may recommend to the Legal Department, to the Management, to the Board of Directors or to any other corporate body involved in the execution of the Policy the improvement of the existing procedures or even the adoption of new procedures, provided that the Board of Directors will be the sole responsible for the approval of any modification to this Policy.
7. Code of Ethics
In addition to the provisions of this Policy, the managers and employees of MAHLE Metal Leve and of its controlled companies shall observe the guidelines of the Company’s Code of Ethics and of Business in any Related Party Transactions.
8. Exempt transactions
The following transactions will not be subject to the formal approval procedure set forth in this Policy: (i) the setting of the global and individual compensation of the managers of the Company; (ii) any transactions involving companies which have one hundred per cent (100%) of its capital stock held directly or indirectly by the Company; (iii) the grant of guarantees by MAHLE Metal Leve within rental agreements involving the Management or employees of the Company, or of companies controlled by it or affiliated to it, provided that these transactions are fair and reasonable; and (iv) transactions involving an amount inferior to the significant amount and identical to those already analyzed by the Legal Department of the Company in the twelve (12) months prior to their execution.
9. General Provisions
The Board of Directors is hereby authorized to update this Policy at any time it deems convenient, in order to improve it, as well as, when necessary, due to modifications to the bylaws or the legal or regulatory framework, namely the rules of CVM and B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão regarding the Corporate Governance Standards applicable to the Company. This Policy came into force on January 22, 2019, after the approval of the Company’s Board of Directors. As of January 22, 2019, this Policy will be applicable to all new related party transaction entered into by and between MAHLE Metal Leve.
Appendix 1: Specific Procedures – Resources, services and obligations

This Appendix 1 of MAHLE Metal Leve Policy for Related Party Transactions provides for the specific procedures applicable to the related party transactions of the Company involving resources, services or obligations.

Any and all potential transactions with a related part of MAHLE Metal Leve involving resources, services or obligations shall be reported to the Legal Department of the Company, noting that: (a) The key personnel of the Company's management shall be instructed and periodically oriented on the obligation to report any potential transaction with a related party of the Company involving resources, services or obligations to the Legal Department; (b) Potential transactions with related parties involving resources, services or obligations reported to the Legal Department shall be instructed with at least the following information (see "Justification Document"): (i) name of related parties; (ii) type of relationship of the parties related to the Company; (iii) type of transaction (if involving resources, services or obligations); (iv) date of the transaction; (v) subject matter of the transaction; (vi) amount involved in the transaction; (vii) duration of the transaction/operation and conditions for its termination or extinction; (viii) principal obligations and other terms and conditions. (c) The reporting of potential transactions with related parties involving funds, services or obligations must also contain, in addition to the information mentioned in item (b) above, detailed justification of the reasons why the transaction is considered to comply with commutative conditions or provide for adequate compensation payment, informing: (i) whether any proposals were requested, any pricing procedure was carried out, or whether the transaction with a third party was attempted in any other way, explaining, if not, the reasons why it did not or, if so, the procedures carried out and their results; (ii) the reasons for entering into the transaction with the related party and not with a third party; (iii) a detailed description of the measures taken and procedures adopted to ensure the commutativity of the transaction; and (iv) the comparative analysis of prices as applicable, terms and conditions available in the market and of similar transactions already executed by the Company or the counterparty. Any person bound by this Policy who becomes aware of a transaction with a related party involving resources, services or obligations not brought to the attention of the Legal Department shall immediately report the fact to such area. Any omission in this regard shall be considered a violation of the Policy, subject to any corrective action to be taken by the Board of Directors.
Subject to the general provisions of the Policy, any and all related party transactions of MAHLE Metal Leve involving resources, services or obligations shall be formally approved by the Legal Department of the Company.
The related party transactions involving resources, services or obligations shall be entered into in written form, specifying its main characteristics and conditions, such as: overall price, unitary price, term, etc.
As of January 22, 2019, this Appendix 1 will be applicable to all new related party transaction entered into by and between MAHLE Metal Leve involving resources, services or obligations.
Appendix 2: Specific Procedures – Products

This Appendix 1 of MAHLE Metal Leve Policy for Related Party Transactions provides for the specific procedures applicable to the related party transactions of the Company involving resources, services or obligations.

Any and all potential related party transaction of MAHLE Metal Leve involving resources, services or obligations shall be reported to the Legal Department of the Company, provided that: (a) The key management personnel will be instructed and periodically oriented about the duty to inform any potential related party transaction of the Company involving resources, services or obligations to the Legal Department; (b) The potential related party transactions involving resources, services or obligations reported to the Legal Department shall be accompanied by, at least, the following information (see related ¨Justification Document¨): (i) name of the related parties; (ii) type of connection between the related parties and the Company; (iii) type of transaction (whether it involves resources, services or obligations); (iv) date of the transaction; (v) subject of the transaction; (vi) amount involved in the transaction; (vii) duration of the transaction /operation and conditions to its termination or extinction; (viii) main duties and other terms and conditions. (c) The report of potential related party transactions involving resources, services or obligations shall include, besides the information mentioned on item (b) above, a detailed explanation of the reasons why one understands that such transaction conditions’ are fair or that compensatory payment provided in it is adequate, informing: (i) whether any proposals were requested, any procedures of price quotation were carried out, or whether any attempts to hold the transaction with third parties were carried out, mentioning, in case the answer is negative, the reasons why those were not carried out, or, if the answer is positive, the procedures carried out and their results; (ii) the reasons to enter into the transaction with the related party instead of with third parties; (iii) the detailed description of the measures undertaken and procedures adopted to ensure the fairness of the transaction; and (iv) the comparative analysis of prices where applicable, terms and conditions available in the market and of similar transactions entered into before by and between the Company or the counterparty. Any person bound by this Policy who becomes aware of a related party transaction involving resources, services or obligations which was not reported to the Legal Department shall immediately communicate this fact to said area. Any omissions in this regard will be considered a breach of this Policy, subject to eventual sanctioning measures, to be applied by the Board of Directors.
Subject to the general provisions of the Policy, any and all related party transactions of MAHLE Metal Leve involving resources, services or obligations shall be formally approved by the Legal Department of the Company.
The related party transactions involving resources, services or obligations shall be entered into in written form, specifying its main characteristics and conditions, such as: overall price, unitary price, term, etc.
As of January 22, 2019, this Appendix 1 will be applicable to all new related party transaction entered into by and between MAHLE Metal Leve involving resources, services or obligations.
Schedule I
This annex includes examples for each of the conditions listed in item (b) of the definition of related parties of this Policy. The entity and the Company are part of the same economic group (which means that each parent, subsidiary and fellow subsidiary are related among themselves).     The entity is an associate or joint venture of the Company (or an associate joint venture of an entity part of the Company’s economic group).   The entity and the Company are joint ventures of the same third party.   The entity is a joint venture of a third entity and the third entity is an associate of the Company. The entity is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of either the Company or an entity related to the Company.   The entity is controlled or jointly controlled by a person identified in (a).   A person identified in (a)(i) has significant influence over the entity or is a member of the key management personnel of the entity (or of a parent of the entity).   The entity, or any member of an economic group of which said entity is a member of, supplies services of the key management personnel to the Company or to its parent.          
Schedule II